As the days grow shorter and sunlight becomes a precious commodity, many of us find ourselves longing for the warmth and energy that natural sunlight brings. Sun rays are a source of Vitamin D, but as much as it is healthy, direct sunlight is a cause of 90% of aging and other skin-damaging elements.
Enter lightboxes: innovative devices designed to mimic the beneficial effects of sunlight without the associated risks.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore light therapy, finding out how lightboxes function, the various types available, and the benefits they offer. Get ready to discover a brighter, healthier approach to combating winter lethargy and boosting your mood with the healing power of light!

What Are Lightboxes?

Lightboxes or sun lamps are sources that imitate the effect of the sunlight as they send forth ultraviolet rays which are used to treat people, suffering from a variety of issues like dementia, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression, vitamin deficiency, and sleeping disorders due to lack of sunlight. You must be wondering how effective lightbox therapy is.  Let us tell you that being a part of psychiatric treatment, the success rate of Lightbox therapy is 60%-80%. This means that people should not underestimate the power of Lightbox therapy.

What Are The Types of Lightboxes?

Lightbox therapy has a broad horizon as it treats a variety of skin diseases and disorders. The first on the list is the seasonal affective disorder that copies natural light. The next in line is vitiligo, where the skin absorbs the UV rays to restore pigmentation and lessen discoloration. The term is famously used for separate skin-related treatments like laser procedures, where it is required different wavelengths to target the skin of the individual to destroy tumors, remove tattoos, and resurface the skin if need be. Executing multiple tasks, however, all the light therapies join hands on one common ground which is to emit light via the assistance of solo or more than one source. Why is it done so? The answer is to wake up the body and react to the light being shown to the skin. It can be for medical and cosmetic reasons as well.

LED Light Therapy

You will be surprised to know that LED light therapy wins the race when it comes to the best types of lightbox therapies. People call this variant phototherapy too. What happens here? The method makes the most out of particular narrow-band wavelengths produced by non-thermal LED light to pervade the skin not on the basic level but at different depths. Why? To trigger a bodily response that works in enhancing the skin’s natural recovery and restoration capabilities.

Can you guess what the good thing about LED light therapy is? The answer is simple. These prove to be hassle-free and heat-free treatments because many people have sensitive skin types that turn red due to excessive heat.

Other than that, phototherapy plays a pivotal role in helping treat acne, scars, inflammatory conditions, rosacea, trauma (wounds), eczema, psoriasis, sun damage, and more. For senior citizens, LED phototherapy works like magic, as it can also reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other symptoms of aging that make skin look, beautiful radiant, and youthful.

Types Of LED Lightherapy

Do you know that LED light therapy uses three major types of lights? They do their job by using red, blue, and infrared light. Each colour brings along its set of advantages which will make sense as to why people prefer getting this treatment.

Blue Light
How about we begin with blue light? Blue light comes to the rescue of individuals dealing with frequent acne breakouts. Acne can be a painful skin condition for anyone, therefore the blue element slims down the oil production generated by the sebaceous glands. Once your skin gets exposed to the blue light, there is a possibility that the inflammation-causing bacteria end permanently. Resulting in recovering burns and other injuries you had recently.

Red Light
Another one is the red light. How effective is this one? It is known to shrink age signs, scars, and inflammation by activating the production of collagen present in the skin.

Near Infra-Red Light
The skin shows a deeper bond with the near-infrared light as it absorbs the source to the real depths of the skin, resulting in elevated cell permeability, escalating skin’s elasticity, and healing frequency, and decreasing swelling and pain followed by a big farewell to fine lines and wrinkles.

How Do Sunlight Boxes Work?   

Sunlight boxes work by emitting bright light, typically around 10,000 lux, mimicking the intensity of natural sunlight. To ensure effectiveness and safety, the lamp should be positioned at a distance from where the person is seated or working. This distance allows the light to reach the individual at the recommended intensity without causing harm to the eyes. It’s important for the person to keep their eyes open during the therapy but avoid staring directly into the box to prevent potential eye damage.

The timing and duration of lightbox therapy vary depending on the specific skin issue being addressed. For example, individuals using light therapy to combat Vitamin D deficiency may only require short sessions of around fifteen minutes. On the other hand, those treating seasonal affective disorder may need longer sessions spread throughout the day, including morning, evening, and night. Doctors assess each patient’s skin condition and recommend the appropriate duration and intensity of light exposure tailored to their needs.

Exposure to artificial sunlight through lightbox therapy can have significant effects on hormone levels, including serotonin and melatonin. These hormones play crucial roles in regulating sleep and mood. By influencing the production of these hormones, light therapy helps to improve sleep quality and stabilize mood, providing relief for individuals struggling with seasonal affective disorder and other related conditions.

What Role Does A Lightbox Play In Supplying Vitamin D?

A lightbox provides a valuable source of light that aids the body in producing Vitamin D. Exposure to this light stimulates the skin to produce Vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. However, it’s important to note that lightboxes typically emit UV-free light, ensuring that users receive the benefits of Vitamin D without the risk of skin damage from UVA or UVB rays.

This makes lightbox therapy a safe and effective way to supplement Vitamin D levels, particularly during times of reduced sunlight exposure, such as the winter months. So, while you go about your morning routine, don’t forget to include your lightbox session to support your Vitamin D levels and overall well-being!


Sunlight boxes are not confined till treating seasonal affective disorders. It also helps in producing Vitamin D, regulating mood, and improving sleep patterns. So, the next time the winter season rolls around, keep yourself protected from all the winter blues that come with the weather with some lightbox therapy!